The Spring Statement

23/03/2022 – Governmental Update

With prices rising at the fastest rate in 30 years, Chancellor Rishi Sunak delivered his Spring Statement

The Chancellor said that we can expect economic growth this year to be 3.8%, with a smaller rise in 2023 of 1.8%. Meanwhile, inflation is predicted to average 7.4% for the rest of the year.

Among the headlines are:

  • The threshold for paying National Insurance (NI) will rise by £3,000 to £12,570, matching the income tax threshold rate.
  • The Employment Allowance – a relief that allows smaller businesses to reduce their employers NI contribution bill each year – will increase from £4,000 to £5,000 from 6 April.
  • Fuel duty is being cut by 5p a litre until March 2023. 
  • Income tax to be reduced from 20p to 19p in 2024. 
  • There will be zero VAT on installing energy-efficient materials such as solar panels, heat pumps and insulation. 
  • The Household Support Fund for local councils to support the most vulnerable will be doubled to £1 billion from this April. 

Delivering his Spring Statement, the Chancellor said: “This statement puts billions back into the pockets of people across the UK and delivers the biggest net cut to personal taxes in over a quarter of a century.

“Like our actions against Russia, I have been able to do this because of our strong economy and the difficult but responsible decisions I have had to make to rebuild our finances following the pandemic.

“Cutting taxes means people have immediate help with the rising cost of living, businesses have better conditions to invest and grow tomorrow, and people keep more of what they earn for years to come.”

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