Our Philosophy

Our approach is to care about you and your business. We do this by asking questions to get an insight in to what you do, how you do it and how you like to operate. When we have an understanding of what you need  we explain what we can do for you, If you are happy with what we can provide We will tell you:

  • what we can do
  • when we will do it
  • what the cost will be
  • then we take care to ensure the calculations are accurate
  • and information supplied to you and submitted to HMRC is correct.

This clear understandable method is the same whether you need us to do a one off tax return or provide a suite of services covering bookkeeping, accounts, VAT, payroll and other business services.

About the Owner

Jeremy Fieldhouse-Allen MICB started his career in sales and marketing then moved in to a general management role where  his responsibilities also involved manufacturing, transport and most importantly finance. 

Being in business and management taught him how important having accurate up to date information is particularly when you are making important commercial decisions.

It is vital to ensure the accounts are up to date and know what shape your business is in. To know what you are owed, what you owe and when you will be paid so you can pay others.

As someone who has managed businesses and organisations he understands how hard it can be to get everything done when so many things are a priority. So he understands the kind of support you need to run your business effectively.

What Clear Methods can do for you?

Clear Methods provides everything your business needs including:

                  • bookkeeping

                  • accounts

                  • VAT

                  • payroll

                  • taxation

                  • cash flow forecasting and modelling

                  • other business services you may need.

What clear methods can do for you

Clear Methods provides everything your business needs including:

  • bookkeeping
  • accounts
  • VAT
  • payroll
  • taxation
  • cash flow forecasting and modeling
  • other business services you may need.