

bookkeeping, accounts, payroll, cashflow, 
self assessment, VAT, taxation & business services

Cashflow - Some statistics

  • 82% of businesses fail because they have not anticipated how much cash they will need
  • 48% of all businesses are cashflow negative – they dont have enough cash to do all they need to do
  • 69% of business owners worry because of cash issues
These statistics suggest how important it is to know what your current position is but more importantly what will happen in the future.

Cashflow Forecasting

Cashflow forecasting is generally used when businesses are just starting. 

It is a vital part of any business plan predicting how receipts and payments will affect the business.

It will demonstrate how much cash you will need for the business to succeed.

If you are contemplating starting a new business Clear Methods can help you prepare your business plan so you can be confident your figures stack up when you approach financial institutions for finance.


Cashflow Modelling

Cashflow modelling is used in established businesses to assist with financial planning.

A good cashflow model is established over time and with each iteration it becomes a more accurate model of cash movements.

 Having developed a great model, it is easy to look at the future with certainty and plan how to manage the inevitable financial ups and downs of business life.

 It is so also easy to try different scenarios when looking for the ideal answer. 

For any business this is an essential management tool. 

So if you are considering expanding, diversifying, downsizing, or managing a large project it is essential to know how much cash you will have, when you will have it and how you will use it.

Clear Methods can provide cashflow forecasting for start ups and cash flow modelling for more established businesses.

All clients who use the continuous bookkeeping service are provided with free cashflow modelling as already stated this is a great management tool.