Town and Parish Council Payroll

Town and parish councils are a sector of the market that we believe need a special kind of service unique to them.

This is because of the very different way in which they are organised and managed compared to a business.

The owner Jeremy Fieldhouse-Allen has worked as a parish clerk for small and large parish councils.

His experience working in this field provides him with a great insight into the needs of councils. 

Using this experience and knowledge Clear Methods is able to  provide a special payroll service specifically designed for local councils. 

Special deals for local authorities

Because most local councils are generally quite small often only employing one person Clear Methods has created a payroll system that:

  • is low cost
  • is flexible so councils with individual requirements can be accommodated
  • provides protection against payroll fraud
  • provides councils with the reports they need to make payments to staff, HMRC and pension providers.
  • delivers all the necessary internal audit reports
  • is easy to use and great value

This is a low price service designed specifically for local authorities.